
Why are you back?

Why are you bringing so much pain?

You are so malignant

You are forceful

You are fearful

You are deadly

I am in a nothing place

Hardly able to speak

Hardly able to listen to the radio

Do you realise how much you hurt

If you do why don’t you vanish?

Why do you push me to despair?

I am waiting for a better time

When? I don’t know

You will decide no doubt

When you decide to leave me

Leave me in a time of recovery

How long? Have you planned when?

I wanted away from me NOW

I know you will not be so kind

I find myself in a total silence

The silence of high anxiety

The silence of more depression

I cannot even write in anger

I cannot breathe at time

It feels like a hard, large stone

Right in the middle of my body

It is stuck there

A very heavy pain and prison

Yes I am in prison

There is no way out

I am fully locked in my own self

Feeling myself in painful stoicism

A place of total silence

A place of strong invisible pain

I look like anybody else

I don’t feel like ‘them’

I feel as not able to move

Not able to hear, not able to do, to be

I just feel nothing

Silence is a lesson learned through life’s many sufferings

(Catherine Williams ‘A Day of nothing’- Friday 14th August 2020)

Creative Mental Health Guide's mission is to break the stigma of mental health.  Through the power of line, word and connection, we are committed to amplifying the voices of those touched by mental ill health.Creativity is a medium for change. Why through creativity?   Creativity is expression Expression is presence Presence ensures a voice Voice  ensures that we are no longer silent nor invisible

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