Oh Society!
Society tells us we are each entitled to our portion
Our portion of freedom, life, success or $
you are Other
you refuse your portion of the echo chamber
- you think independently
They sit you at a table and try to force you to eat
You will sit here until you eat your generous portion of
“Not alls”
“What aboutism”
“You just don’t understand”
Fear of the Others
They should “just” Except there is no justice or dignity in JUST
And as you sit, they will preach to you the Purity Gospel – especially if you identify as female
You know the one – the one that says your power over your body is not pure enough
That your uncovered skin is a sin
While simultaneously telling you how to make that mass of cells more acceptable for consumption
– Cover it up
– save it for marriage
– Don’t please yourself. That selfish and unpure
Never forget Purity Gospel rule # 1:
You are not your own
You are here to procreate, to be pleasure for others’ consumption, to do menial tasks so men and society can enjoy THEIR
- freedom while curtailing
- yours
Refuse that portion!
You are not for consumption
They will say you must eat
You are not allowed to leave the table until you do
Turn over that table!
Refuse their poisoned portions!
What portions will you refuse so you can consume your OWN life?
©Paulissa Kipp 2021
Rebel of Intentional Presence and Founder of The Rebellious Mirror. Expression is presence and the magic of creation is the transforming power of the process to show us only our magnificence. For the canvas can only speak and listen and the instrument we hold in our own hand can only tell us the truth. Come, see yourself through the Better Mirror.Omaha-based artist, author, humanitarian, and Certified-Peer Support Specialist and Mental Health Educator with lived experience in mental ill health, deafness, and traumatic brain injury.