Category Archives: Blog

Global Conversations

Here are our latest podcasts.

In conversation with Aaron M Alberto

Listen to In conversation with Aaron M Alberto

I talk with the talented Aaron M Abelto about his new film ‘Evoke’.  We talk about how he connects with his audience through a common message of humanity.  How his  personal inspiration for his new film, although written many moons ago and kept hidden in a sketchbook, became what it is today because of a dear friend who helped bridge the gap that was left by the loss of his father.  

~Sarah-Zee Haskett 

Connecting to deeper Conversations ~ Creative Mental Health

Aaron M. Abelto – Actor /Director /Writer (

This Is Not A Simple Industry: A Conversation With Actor And Filmmaker Aaron M. Abelto | The Fan Carpet

about us - Able 2 Film Entertainment, Inc.

Actor, director and producer Aaron M. Abelto’s Oscar hopes for short film 'Evoke' (

Mr Abelto is a writer, director and actor. He has starred as an actor, writer and director in both his films Evoke and I Before Thee. Aaron is the co-founder of Able 2 Film Entertainment, Inc (formerly known as Able2Film Productions), an independent motion picture studio established in 2013. The company also specialises in script development, feature films, TV series, and VR-designed films.

Mr Abelto takes inspiration from Steven Spielberg and Robert Rodriguez, and hopes to one day compete with the likes of Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese and, and Christopher Nolan.

#creativementalhealth #wellbeing #creative #film #moviemaking #mentalhealth #selflove

Global Conversations with special guests speakers Katie Holland and Kelsey Walker

Listen to Global Conversations with special guests speakers Katie Holland and Kelsey Walker

Brining conversation to the challenges we face as women.  Focusing on healing and helping each other we speak to two amazingly dedicated women for a dynamic and thought provoking interview.  Kelsey, who offers comfort to women who are suffering as a result of abortion, child, infant or pregnancy loss.  Katie, who works with sacred dance to support healing and self expression.   Hosted by Sarah-Zee Haskett, a creative, psychotherapist & mental health nurse, her team at Creative Mental Health are passionate about creating community networks, connection and conversations that matter.

#women #wellness #conversation #internationalwomensday #wellbeing #goodmentalhealth #creativementalhealth #artsinhealth

Katie Holland.    A renowned and highly sought after professional dancer across the world with a specific interest in dance for healing and spiritual development Using traditional Middle Eastern dance techniques, Sacred dances from around the world, breath and energy work, meditation, yoga and conscious communication. Katie’s work creates a respectful, supportive sisterhood through dance that supports self discovery

Kelsey Walker.    From The Green Desk was founded after Kelsey's own experience with abortion.  The mission of From The Green Desk is to comfort and validate women who are suffering as a result of abortion, child, infant or pregnancy loss. Through peer-to-peer services including coaching, group therapy, a blog, and a podcast, we will eliminate the ‘silent scream’ stigma associated with these losses.  At 17 weeks Kelsey found out their daughter, Hope, had a genetic condition that caused every single bone in her tiny body to break into 90 degree angles and was threatening Kelsey's life, so they took the impossible option: abortion. From this experience she wrote Face Everything And Rise, a memoir.

In conversation with Hearts Need Art

Listen to In conversation with Hearts Need Art

I had the best time meeting with Marisa Castro & Richard Wilmore from Hearts Need Art today! Just wait till the end :)

Hearts Need Art’s mission is to...

to create moments of joy, self-expression, and connection for those facing life-altering health challenges through arts engagement, advocacy, and innovation.

In conversation with author DrPamela Gurley

Listen to In conversation with author DrPamela Gurley

In conversation every Friday at 1:30pm today with Dr Pam!

Caring Thru Covid

Listen to Caring Thru Covid

Solent Connexions ~ Virtual Support Programme 

Do you look after or help support a family member, partner or friend because of their illness, disability or emotional distress? Are you feeling stressed, depressed or anxious about this?

To contact Solent Connexions ring Carolyn on 023 9310 6042 or email

Chit-Chat Cafe

Listen to Chit-Chat Cafe

Alice and Sarah-Zee introduce 5 week Macrame

Here are our latest podcasts.

Global Conversations - A Chat with Peter Quarry

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Peter Quarry

Today in conversation with #worldrenowned Australian #psychologist - Peter Quarry. Peter has over 30 years experience in the industry and is a sought after #speaker and trainer with 50 major #internationalawards for his training videos for some of the biggest companies around the world. His #book titled, If I Were You - A psychologist puts himself on the couch has released, it describes why you should regularly #review your #life, and gives a series of easy to follow instructions. Then, to demonstrate, he proceeds to deconstruct his own sometimes messy, colorful and interesting  life.

With a format that is wholly unique in that it consists of a self-to-self conversation between 'Pete', the wild child who never grew up but now wants to take stock of his life, and his alter ego 'PQ', the world-renowned psychologist who directs and guides the process.

Essentially the book is about Peter (the psychologist) putting himself on the couch and providing readers with a toolkit to confront the curveballs inevitably heading their way. It throws light on #positive effects of aging and coming to terms with getting old. Creatively managing one's career with a retrospective view once in a while. And paths to discover the benefits of diving deep into inner self to finding the true you! 

Episode Highlights:

What inspired him to become a psychologist when he actually wanted a career in the films? What are the traumas that he faced during his childhood which inspired him to review or retrospect his life? What does a psychologist feel while being on the other side of the couch Why conduct a life review on oneself How not to get emotionally involved with the client or a clingy friend/family member Advice on being a successful writer How did he come to terms with his sexual identity and what advice does he have for the LGBTQ community Where can we find his book

Global Conversations - A Chat with Alan Stevens - Part 2

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Alan Stevens - Part 2

Today in conversation once again with #mentalist #internationally famed #faceprofiler Alan Stevens. He is regularly featured on National TV, Radio and in the World’s Press, profiling the likes of our leading politicians, TV and sports stars, #Disney Films, brands, the #Australian Federal #Police as well as #Britain’s #Royalty.

The Newcastle Herald describes Alan Stevens as “The Mentalist meets Dr Phil“ and as "The leading authority in reading faces, globally" by the UK Guardian . He is an authority in reading people; what they are not saying, what they are attempting to conceal and how they are likely to behave in given situations.  All of this through recognizing the unconsciously leaked indicators of concealment and deceit as well as the indicators of a person’s conscious preferred behavior's and personality. With over 30 years accumulating experience, and skills in training and coaching, counselling, psychometric profiling, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), body language, micro and subtle expressions and reading personality traits, Alan believes that all aspects of human relations and interactions are improved when you can read people accurately. Having these skills today, more than ever before, can determine the future success of your business and your personal relationships.

Alan conducts #training for businesses and organization's in team building, sales training, negotiations and recruitment skills. Alan also works with educators to increase their people reading skills around social-emotional intelligence, and to assist students to find careers that suit their personalities.

We discuss #facereading #keyexpressions when someone is lying, how to detect discord with #lifepartners and #buisness how to recognize when #politicians and #celebs are telling the #truth or are they! You can #download one of his #freecourse material to the Science and Art of Reading People.

Highlights of the Episode:

  • What is #impostersyndrome
  • How to tackle imposter syndrome
  • How can #students benefit out of the science of #readingpeople and build their confidence
  • Why there is a need for #parents and #teachers to hone their art of reading their children/pupils to help them excel #academically
  • How to conquer #bullies in school 
  • Various #courses offered by Alan 

#talkshow #advicetoparents #teachers #stopbullying #podcastshow #podcastseries

Global Conversations - A Chat with Frank Forencich - Part 2

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Frank Forencich - Part 2

Today in conversation once again with the #founder of Exuberant Animal Frank Forencich. This new world offers comfort, opportunity and incredible wonders, but it also causes us #stress, lifestyle disease and for many, pain and unhappiness. Sedentary living, artificial light, social ambiguity, toxic food and chronic noise take an enormous toll. Our bodies are suffering, our planet is in peril and we feel lost. We’re searching for a healthier and more meaningful way to live. And keeping these things in mind we discuss the core concepts of #PaleoMovement - the genetics behind #eating the same #diet our ancestors consumed. 

The menace - #ClimateChange the never ending debate that it is caused by a few ruthless capitalists who want control over the world #resources. The need to respect #wildlifeconservations, river conservations and tribal communities participation in preserving the natural #habitat and nature. 

We also discuss his upcoming book in depth - Beware of False Tigers and also #prediction about the #future of the #humanrace as well as the #society at large. 

#talkseries #podcastseries #exuberantanimal #savenature 

Global Conversations - A Chat with Alan Stevens - Part 1

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Alan Stevens - Part 1

Today in conversation with the legendary #mentalist #internationally famed #faceprofiler Alan Stevens. He is regularly featured on National TV, Radio and in the World’s Press, profiling the likes of our leading politicians, TV and sports stars, #Disney Films, brands, the #Australian Federal #Police as well as #Britain’s #Royalty.

The Newcastle Herald describes Alan Stevens as “The Mentalist meets Dr Phil“ and as "The leading authority in reading faces, globally" by the UK Guardian . He is an authority in reading people; what they are not saying, what they are attempting to conceal and how they are likely to behave in given situations.  All of this through recognizing the unconsciously leaked indicators of concealment and deceit as well as the indicators of a person’s conscious preferred behavior's and personality. With over 30 years accumulating experience, and skills in training and coaching, counselling, psychometric profiling, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), body language, micro and subtle expressions and reading personality traits, Alan believes that all aspects of human relations and interactions are improved when you can read people accurately. Having these skills today, more than ever before, can determine the future success of your business and your personal relationships.

Alan conducts training for businesses and organisations in team building, sales training, negotiations and recruitment skills. Alan also works with educators to increase their people reading skills around social-emotional intelligence, and to assist students to find careers that suit their personalities.

We discuss #facereading #keyexpressions when someone is lying, how to detect discord with #lifepartners and #buisness how to recognize when #politicians and #celebs are telling the #truth or are they! You can #download one of his #freecourse material to the Science and Art of Reading People.

Alan Stevens holds Master certifications in:
Human Trait Recognition
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Neurological Repatterning
Erickson Hypnosis

He is also the Australian Distributor for #antivirus software by the Israeli Defence Force. A past #Rotarian and a #freemason

Global Conversations - A Chat with Richard Wilmore

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Richard Wilmore

Today in conversation with famed show host Richard Wilmore who is the founder of The Richard Wilmore Show (TRWS). The #weekly live talk/variety #show is currently filmed in San Antonio, Texas. It hosts talented individuals from all walks of life. TRWS began filming in 2016 from a home studio built just outside of Baltimore, Maryland. After a move to Texas, the show began filming in front of a live studio audience at Bexar Stage and Candlelight Coffee House. Season 4 kicked off September 14, 2020 with the 100th episode but was entirely virtual for #pandemic precautions. Season 4 has featured guests from coast to coast. The season finale is June 7, 2021.

Season 5 launches on the show's five year anniversary, August 29, 2021. The new season will reach a wider audience with the addition of media partners ArtScene SA and KP Media TV with distribution to Apple TV, Roku TV, Amazon Fire TV, ITunes, Google Podcasts, and more. We chat about the conception and inspiration behind the talk show. 

We also discuss Hearts need Art organization an #initiative that has been close to Richard's heart ever since he joined the cause. The Hearts need Art has been spreading goodwill and cheer to ailing #patients and #medicalcaregivers. It has been forefront in working with the #medicalstaff during the #pandemic as well. You can become a #virtualvolunteer and work towards bringing a smile through #musicsessions, #artwork and #personalizedinspirational messages. The motto of the organization is - The universal accessibility of arts engagement to help everyone feel seen, heard, and loved while facing life-altering health challenges.

#heartsneedart #talksseries #richardwilmoreshow #podcastseries #goodcause 

Global Conversations - A Chat with Dawna Campbell

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Dawna Campbell

Today in conversation with #energyhealer #mindwhisperer and former #financialadvisor Dawna Campbell. She is an internationally acclaimed #healer and founder of the Healing Heart Inc. Her focus on creating a life of Happiness, Prosperity, and Love. Thought Form Energy Healing can change your life experiences, releasing blocked emotions and energy in the subconscious holding you back from living the life you desire through Better Health, Increasing Wealth, and Loving Relationships. You can have it all and all at the same time! Heart Centered Healing The heart is the bridge, between the body and mind, between spirit and matter. We discover a life full of joy when the heart is restored, rebalanced, and recreated. The Universal Love Force Energy is at this very seat of creation. By leading with the heart from the inside, we can create an abundant mindset full of happiness, prosperity, and love in our world on the outside.

She is also a #bestselling author of the book #Financiallyfit a gem that guides you to unlock #wealth through #positivemanifestations. With her vast experience in #alternativehealing she also coaches, conducts sessions and guides people to have an #abundant life. 

We talk about how our feelings can affect the food that we eat, how we block the blessings by constantly reminiscing our #childhoodtraumas and how we can overcome #stress in our daily life's. 

#talkseries #globalconversations #podcast #realpeople #realstories   

Global Conversations - A Chat with Frank Forencich - Part 1

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Frank Forencich - Part 1

Today in conversation with internationally famed health and human adaptation expert Frank Forencich. As an engaging speaker and movement teacher, he brings a unique perspective to the human predicament and offers practical solutions for some of the most pressing problems of our age. Founder of the #ExuberantAnimal movement - which trains teachers, health experts and individuals to lead a winning life amidst stress and societal challenges. Guidance is given through workshops and substantive lectures on neuroscience, interpersonal neurobiology and other subjects relating to the health and performance of the human animal. 

We talk about the need of #Ubuntu - an inspirational African philosophy - the feeling of owning oneself to the tribe, village or community. His #martialartexpertise and the need for #physicalactivity in the age of #artificialintelligence. We also talk about his extensive #travel in Africa and experiencing the rich cultural diversity and the implementation of the same in modern society. We also discuss the Paleo movement and his upcoming book - #BewareoffalseTigers! 

About Frank Forencich:

  • BA Stanford University: Human biology, 1979
  • Member: Council of Directors of the True Health Initiative
  • Black belt rank in karate and aikido
  • Contributor: Paleo Magazine 2012-2016
  • Traveled to Africa on several occasions to study human origins and the ancestral environment
  • Climbed extensively throughout North America
  • Author of numerous books relating to health and the human predicament
  • Presentation: Ancestral Health Symposium, 2016
  • Presentation: Ido Portal Movement Camp, Singapore 2013
  • Presentation: Google, 2012
  • Presentation: Ancestral Health Symposium, Harvard, 2012
  • Presentation: Dr. Robert Conn Heart Conference, 2011
  • Presentation: General Electric, 2011
  • Presentation: Ancestral Health Symposium, UCLA, 2011
  • Presentations: Stanford University Institute of Design: 2009 - 2011
  • TEDx: Pearl River, Hong Kong, 2010

#ubuntu #corporatejungle #goingbacktotheroots #talkseries #podcastseries

Global Conversations - A Chat with Eric Protein Moseley - Part 2

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Eric Protein Moseley - Part 2

Today in conversation with #documentaryfilmmaker Eric Protein Moseley once again! In this episode we talk about the inception and the inspiration behind his production house - Skid Row Journey Productions. Through this he has produced raw footages of being homeless and living as a single parent on the streets of California and New York. The film is not available for mainstream or commercial purpose but has been popular in underground film circuits. 

His second production a graphic footage of #homeless people around California during the #Coronavirus is available on his YouTube channel. Eric and his daughter have been going around educating the homeless regarding the #pandemic with information pamphlets and essential kits. His next venture is a docuseries to educate the masses over the perils of being out on the streets. 

This episode also includes a #bonustrack from his #dreamproject #captainnegro - the story on an ordinary boy born on the streets who goes on to become a #superhero. 

#humanstories #talkseries #talkshow #podcastseries #globalconversations

Global Conversations - A Chat with Eric Protein Moseley - Part 1

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Eric Protein Moseley - Part 1

Today in conversation with Eric Protein Moseley Former Addict and Advocate for the Homeless

Eric Protein Moseley, is a social impact #documentaryfilmmaker/#homeless advocate, #director, author and #business man who grew up in Detroit Michigan, dropped out of school, became addicted to #drugs and other things, and used his shortcoming to become a motivation for those who don't have the inspiration to continue on with their dream, no matter what the circumstances.

Moseley has been recognized as becoming the #first to #educate the homeless about The Coronavirus and turned it into a popular documentary called 'The Homeless Coronavirus Outreach' which has made an impact in different regions of the world. A Father and daughter team up to educate the homeless about The Coronavirus. To their understanding, 5 out of 10 homeless we unaware of covid-19

Skid Row Journey Productions is the production company of Eric Moseley which has been a pioneer in creating awareness towards homelessness. 

#talkshow #talkseries #globalimpact

Global Conversations - A Chat with Thomas Barlow

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Thomas Barlow

Today in conversation with Thomas Barlow founder of #Bywire news network. Thomas Barlow has been at the center of some of the most exciting developments in the #independentnews sector and has knowledge on ALL things #UKmedia - including the big guns.  

He has also been a festival founder, club night promoter, anarchist, activist, journalist and gig economy worker. is a #decentralised news network that stores all content on the #blockchain. Bywire also offers #tokenincentive rewards, and even offers a Universal Basic Income to all publishers, putting power back in the hands of the publishers. The network is the home of independent news and sits logically as the alternative news app to Google and Apple News. As an organisation we are working closely with the Independent Media Association, formerly known as The Media Fund, helping to develop a united front of UK #alternative media. What's more, Bywire is totally democratically managed! No more deplatforming without recourse. No more #censorship without real democratic values and processes.

We chat about the rise of #independentmedia and how to #tackle #fakenews with intelligent #journalism which is funded #bythepeople! 

#fakenewscounter #ethichaljournalism #paidmediabust #networking #newschannel #revolutionary

Global Conversations - A Chat with Girish Dutt Shukla

Listen to Global Conversations - A Chat with Girish Dutt Shukla

Today in conversation with Girish Dutt Shukla a computer engineer by education and a freelance digital marketer by profession. Before pursuing his passion for writing, he worked as a software engineer in Gurugram for two years. In June 2015, he left the job and started working as a copywriter and a social media strategist in a digital marketing agency in Delhi. In his six-year stint as a marketing professional, he has helped both established brands and startups to grow digitally with his writing skills, strategy, and marketing acumen.

Girish regularly writes for a variety of websites and newspapers promoting psychology and mental health, including but not limited to The Pioneer, The Daily Guardian, SelfGrowth, SpeechBlubs, Elephant Journal, ThoughtCatalog, Theravive, BestLifeOnline, and HumanWindow. He has a proclivity for perceiving psyche and behaviour and hopes to study the subject further in the future.

Maroon In A Sky Of Blue was his debut novel published in October 2020. The book has garnered an average rating of 4.5 with over 100 reviews. It has been featured on The New Indian Express, Dainik Bhaskar, IANS, Absolute News, Telangana Today, India Blooms, and other major news portals. The novel was also appreciated by Shri Amitabh Bachchan in a personal letter written to the author.

Maroon In A Sky Of Blue: It is a fiction book that focuses on introvertedness, mental health, and PTSD, the most hushed topics of a teenager's life. The brief is a blurb of the book:

What happens when you start questioning beliefs founded in your sanity?

Withdrawn and reticent, Onir had troubles growing up. He has only two friends; Lavin, who finds solace in Onir’s Zen profundity, has stood by him for 8 years, and Palchinn, who he secretly loves. As Onir starts to come out of his shell and shares his feelings with Palchinn, she embraces him and they settle into a doting relationship. The blossoming young love screeches to a halt when Palchinn ends up in a horrible car accident.

Her harrowing death pushes the teenager into a state of suffering. He tries to get out of this rut and meets Ziya who has suffered a similar loss in the past. As they start bonding, he starts healing. But, Onir’s world comes crashing down when Lavin finds out about the two of them.

Is Ziya not who she seems to be or is Onir mistaken about her identity? Is reality just a version of events?

#depression #grief #loss #malepsychology #author 


Celebrating Art for India

Celebrating Art for India ~ Short Film & Dance Festival~

Raising money for Hi Fi ~helping India~feeding India~

Donations – click here to donate on PayPal

Our charity is a local Indian organisation sourced by a member of the Creative Mental Health Guide Team Mary Veronica: MORART FILMS| MYRIADWORD

Hi Fi ~helping India~feeding India~

Opening Show including interview with the charity

Opening Show & Interview with Charity

Featuring: Traditional Indian Dancer's Chandana Varna "My name is chandanavarna Am from India I started to dance my 4th age I love to perform and teach I am certified from Kerala Kalamandalam. Am from India ,Kerala I am teaching bharathanatyam and mohiniyattam - please contact for details on classes" Katie Holland "Katie studied Bharatnatyam (classical … Continue reading Opening Show & Interview with Charity

~Short Film~ Back to Maria

Synopsis: After her husband's death, Maria roams through her huge house. Blanca still gathers the things that are left of him. At night, during dinner, Maria approaches Blanca in an attempt to discover a new intimacy between them throughout their past. Country:  Argentina Country:  Argentina Director:  Sonia Stigliano

~Short Film~ No Offense~

  Synopsis: Be confident. Do not be afraid to defend your beliefs and talk to your parents. Many bullies will leave you alone if they see that you are not  are not afraid. Film portrays a message on bullying.  Director:  Dimitris Andjus Key Cast: Fillipa Mavitzi, Giorgos Zikas, Theodora Kampouridi, Stelios Kratsas, Christina Alexandra Mporoukan, … Continue reading ~Short Film~ No Offense~



~Short Film~SWEVEN

  Synopsis: A paranormal based short film where the main protagonist experiences fear and chaos. Cast : Sam Saji, Bibinsha, Hari Devadas, Maria Joshy(Amma) Editor : Cyril Rappai Cinematography : Lims K L Background music : Gautham Vyas Logo design : Anand Balachandran Poster design : Navaneeth Dubbing studio : Immanuel Studio Chalakudy  Director: Hari … Continue reading ~Short Film~SWEVEN

Icho Udo

  Synopsis: On the hunt for peace Stanley creates a hex to help him travel to a land rumored that even the condemned souls and minds can find peace. At the end figuring out that peace isn't found on any inland nor treasure but is found within Ourselves.  Director: Stanley Anigbogu Country : Nigeria

The Routine

Synopsis: Vangelis is non-verbal and considered low-functioning on the autism spectrum. Living with him is not easy. His mother tries not to change his routine, so his daily routine runs quietly. The diary of Giannis, on the other hand, follows fast rhythms without giving him the space that he needs for compassion and empathy.   … Continue reading The Routine


A collaboration composed of 4 audiovisual pieces that are articulated as postcards or impressions of the confinement. Four glances from four different choreographers who, separated by time and geographical borders, direct the movements of a single performer. The dancer, from the intimacy of his confinement, makes a time-space tour of his apartment, reinterpreting places and … Continue reading DanzaRestless

Shine On

Sofia, a girl evades her complex family reality in social networks. Together with "La Jisus" her favorite influencer will be transported to a musical world full of glitter and glamour. Year of production 2019 Genres Musical, LGBT, Family Countries CHILE Languages SPANISH-CHILEAN Duration 7 mn Director(s) Francisco CORONIL Writer(s) Francisco CORONIL, Cristián VILLANUEVA Cast Andrés … Continue reading Shine On